Demolition is about safety, methodology and experience.
Whether it be high-rise residential, commercial, industrial, or indeed basements, planning the demolition process to minimise identified key risks and maximising the amount of materials for re-use, is key to a successful demolition. GCL understands that demolishing an existing structure unlocks the value in the land but how it’s done can also save money.
The complete range of services provided are:
Soft strip and asbestos removal
Removing what is inside the building can often be more time consuming and have greater risks associated with it than using machines to demolish the shell. GCL’s demolition team have the experience to tackle any sized project and react proactively to clients’ needs. Our asbestos trained operatives can deal with small or large quantities.

Waste management plans
Reducing waste has become a key environmental goal in the construction sector. GCL designs a site-specific waste management plan for each project and provide monthly reports on what has been achieved on site through the GCL App. Waste is segregated on-site for re-use or safe disposal.
Recycling materials
Recycling makes commercial sense, every ton which stays on site represent a double saving. Demolition protocol is influencing national and local planning authorities to increase the use of secondary aggregates in new build projects. Crushing and screening on site, whenever possible, is GCL’s first choice.
Enabling works
Incorporating the enabling works with the demolition package saves time and money. Whether it be placing pile mats, establishing the site set up, installing haul roads, drainage, or service diversions, GCL can shave weeks off your programme by progressing these works while completing the demolition. Many of the enabling works activities are linked to key milestones/golden bricks for clients which can be achieved by combining many of the above activities.